Monday, June 23, 2014

Respect and Humility and the Paschal Mystery

Again, it has been quite a while since I posted an update on my blog "Imaginary Visions of True Peace," so there is much to update.

During Holy Week, I posted Escape from the Denial of Death where my mediation on the Cross interacted with Richard Beck's book on Ernest Becker's thesis on how the denial of death tends to make people more violent.

For Easter, I posted The Earthquake that Saves which I have to admit presupposes some understanding of Girard's thought to work as a standalone post.

After Easter, I embarked on a series of posts on Respect and Humility as two fundamental abiding attitudes that build "good" mimesis and relieve competitive mimesis. There are three posts on Respect, a humble virtue but an important one. The first post should lead to the the other two. Speaking of humility, there is a post on Vainglory which is a vice noted by early Eastern writers such as John Cassian followed by two posts on Humility.

There is the post Stumbling over Stumbling Stones that points to issues of ecclesiology, what it means to be church.

Freud's Illusion and the Paschal Mystery is a reflection on yet another book by Richard Beck, namely one on Freud and William James.

The Power of the Ascended Lord is, as one might guess, another meditation on the Ascension of Christ.

Accepting the Cross is the latest posting which discusses the Gospel for the second Sunday after Pentecost, particularly Jesus' words about taking up his cross.

The picture is what our cemetery looked like after some small tornadoes ripped through the abbey property two years ago. Fallen trees missed the cross by inches. Fortunately, none of the abbey buildings took a direct hit.

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